Monday, September 22, 2008

Ron Paul Endorses Chuck Baldwin

Ron Paul has announced that he will support Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin in the presidential election. I personally like Baldwin. He's a principled conservative (not of the 'neo' variety). He supports ending our immoral War on Iraq. He believes in securing our borders. He recognizes that all life is sacred. And now he is supported by Ron Paul, the man I worked for in the New Hampshire Primary.

What's not to like? I can't think of much, but I am still undecided as to the candidate I will support. It will most definitely not be John McCain or Barack Obama. However, this whole process has left me disillusioned and questioning what the future holds. The government by its very nature is built on violence, theft, and coercion. How can we add legitimacy to that system by voting for its leaders? Is there really any room for candidates who respect the rule of law, private property, and free markets?

At this time I plan on not voting for the office of President. Hell, I may not vote at all. However, I still have a little over a month to decide. And there's always the chance I could relapse.

In liberty,

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