Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As H1N1 Hits Kenyon, A Debate on the Ethics of Vaccination

Late this summer, as we were all eagerly preparing our returns to campus, the Health Center sent an e-mail titled "Student with Influenza" to the student body. The meaning was clear from the title alone: the H1N1 influenza virus, colloquially known as swine flu, had arrived. A student was infected. Now, what were we to do? We got the usual advice: "wash your hands" and "cover your face when you sneeze," etc. But real help is on the way. According to information in an e-mail and on the College Web site, the H1N1 vaccine should be available to the campus this fall.

This sounds all well and good, right? Maybe not. It would be wise to stand back and look at the whole picture before succumbing to hysterics.

Read the rest here...

1 comment:

Sarah Linden said...


For the past couple of years the United States Business & Industry Council Educational Foundation has been sending the Kenyon Observer cartoons to post free of charge. Unfortunately the email address that I use to send them to no longer works. Is there an alternate email address that I could continue to send the cartoons to?

You can email me back at

Sarah Linden
Media Relations Associate