Dear observers,
* Tom Woods delivered my very favorite speech at Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic. Videos of it from YouTube are here and here. (For some reason I can't get the videos to embed in this blog post. Yet again, technology buoys up my expectations with promises it fails to fulfill.)
Dr. Wood's explanation of American politics as the province of the Stupid and Evil parties originated with Sam Francis, of course, who functions as sort of a litmus test for men and women of the Right. As in, if you automatically reject Dr. Francis as beyond the pale, you aren't on the Right at all.
* Speaking of un-PC reading, I happened upon some when I read a semi-recent post by Michael Blowhard. It's about F. Roger Devlin, who appears to be the most dug-in anti-feminist intellectual type in existence. Personally I'm getting alot out of Devlin's articles on feminism, marriage, and sexual life. But his material isn't for the faint of head and heart. Michael Blowhard included the following disclaimer in his post:
Oh, and "Un-PC"? Well, the essay's scathing view of feminism is part of that. But the tender of soul and the noble of nature deserve a warning too: F. Roger Devlin has published pieces in the notorious Occidental Quarterly, which is often described as a White Nationalist site.
What are Devlin's views on racial matters? Beats me. Is Devlin a noxious and despicable person? Perhaps he is, and perhaps all he really deserves is shunning. But the three essays of his that I've read on the state of affairs between the sexes have been awfully smart and provocative. Download 'em all here. For what appear to be a couple of recent pieces, read "Home Economics" parts one and two. Why doesn't Devlin maintain his own website?
I trust, by the way, that visitors to 2Blowhards have the subtlety to understand that linking is not endorsing, and to notice that I've nowhere indicated that I agree with all or even most of Devlin's points. I am happy to say, though, that I found the three Devlin essays that I've read daring and even enlightening, and that I've enjoyed thinking them over.
Where do you think Devlin makes a decent point? Where in your opinion does he go awry?
And how do you feel / what do you think about the idea of reading a piece by someone who has written for The Occidental Quarterly? Am I an irresponsible blogger for having linked to the likes of Devlin? Or are those who won't take a flyer on some far-out reading the real fools?
What I'm really curious about, though, is people's reactions to Devlin's ideas about feminism and the sexes. Still: If you want to raise objections to my linking to Devlin in the first place, go right ahead. But don't just hold your nose. Supply some reasons.
Maybe I too am taking a risk by linking to Devlin. Oh, well.
* This article by the recently-retired Charley Reese gets a little utopian for my tastes, but it contains some necessary doses of reality:
Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits?
Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?
That's all for tonight.